Finding the correct and comfortable eyeglass frames for your kid might be the least of your problems if they won’t even try to wear it. Unlike shirts and pants, glasses are very imposing and need a lot of getting used to being literally right in front of your face. But instead of nagging them to keep on wearing their glasses or else they’ll go blind, encourage them instead so that they’d want to wear glasses on their own accord. Make Them Choose Their Own Frames Not only does your kid get to choose actual eyeglass frames he wants to wear, you are also letting him exercise his independence. In letting him choose on his own, and letting him reason out the decision for himself, he will be more likely to wear his glasses to compound on this independence. Remind But Don’t Nag There will be instances where you see your kid not wearing their glasses—do not rage on them. They might have forgotten without intention or tried to not put them on but either w...