The clock displayed 21:00. It’s getting late and just a little under a hundred days, our sister will celebrate his 18th year of existence. She is now a woman. A woman we, her family dreamed her to be.
“Have you found the paradise to celebrate your sister’s big day?”, Mom whispering words on my ears as I play the guitar that is out of tune. I replied a big smile and she paid it with twinkling eyes. Maybe she thought I already found one, but no, I haven’t found anything. I thought at first that my homework to look for an affordable hotel debut package is the easiest one. Now I realize, it’s the hardest. Honestly, this is more difficult than solving math problems at school, and doing chemistry experiments are much easier.
A buzz sound was heard in my well-lighted room. It’s my friend Margie calling on Messenger. I hate her profile picture that I gently threw the buzzing piece of technology to the far end of my bed. Then, as expected, it buzzes again. “Oh, I have to answer this now or I will have a nightmare”, are the words floating in my head.
“Hello, good friend Jay! I thought you’re like the others, they are not answering my call”, a loud voice coming out from the speakerphone. It’s a video call. I don’t want to see her, especially at this time of the evening.
“Hi, Margie!”, my reply as I face the phone’s camera to one of my pictures framed on my desk then went back lying on the bed.
“How was your day”, surprising words came out of my mouth.
“Kinda tired Jay. It’s just ten minutes since we got home from my friend’s debut party. Wow! You look handsome tonight Jay. What happened. I like how you are smiling at me. “
“Smiling at you? I’m not smiling at all Margie”.
“Oh Jay, you are brightly smiling at me since the start of the call”.
My eyebrows met at the center. What is she saying? Was she drunk?
Oh no, I faced the camera on my most beautifully taken photo. She thought all this time I was smiling at her even though I’m staring at the ceiling. Laughing hard without any noise is hard to do.
“Know what Jay, I remember my hotel debut years ago”.
Oh yes, I am on the quest to find the perfect piece of happiness for our princes.
“How did you look for your hotel debut package back then Margie?”, thinking that I will get something from her that will help me finish my homework.
“As far as I remember, here’s what we did, anyway, do you have time listening to Jay? You don’t need to stare at me. Fluttering hits me, Jay“.
Oh no, what I have done, she still thinks I am smiling at her and now I am staring at her.
“Yes, Margie, see how I am brightly smiling at you? from that photo?”, my chuckling reply.
“What photo Jay? I felt you’re so happy seeing me at this time of the night? Let’s talk about that later, we have the whole night talking about our feelings, anyway here is what I did before”.
1 Decide on the number of your guests – what you want? 100 packs? 200? 300? I remember, we went for just a hundred. I want it to be just for my closest friends and relatives.
2 Plan your theme – the theme sets the mood of this big day. We went for a fairy tale theme, simply because I look like a fairy.
3 Book a venue that can handle the number of guests and theme – most of the venues now comes up with a package. We grabbed a Hotel debut package. It is what I want for hotels can accommodate the number of guests we want and serve the best foods.
To do this, just search for debut packages on social media or Google. List all you can find out. Read all reviews, see photos and check if the venue has footages on YouTube. Internet is your best friend here. Then just go with your guts.
“That’s all then?”, my reply.
“Yes, Jay! Do you need help looking for a hotel debut package? Your sister will turn 18th sooner right? I’ll help then if you want”.
This will lead me to more trouble If I allow her to help me. I’ll just do it then, I thought.
“No Margie, I can handle this. My sister counts on me. Thanks for the hand”.
“Yes sure, Jay. Also, please tell your sister that I already did what she asked of me.”
“Yes, I will Margie. Goodnight!”
“Goodnight Jay, don’t forget to tell your sis I already did her request. Bye!”
The light from the piece of technology slowly dimmed until it completely turned off, making the room dark as it should be. As I continue staring at the ceiling, I suddenly thought, “What kind of help did my sister ask Margie to do?”.
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