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10 Practical Ways to Support a Depressed Person in Your Life

It’s overwhelming to support someone with depression, but your presence and understanding go a long way. We’re going to have a look at some simple, doable steps for you to help a loved one with depression

1. Encourage open communication.

Often, people become depressed because it is very difficult to express how they feel; knowing that you have someone that will listen to you without judgement can be a big relief. Take note that your loved one can talk with you any time you want. When you keep your communication open, say things like “I’m here for you” or “You can talk to me any time you’re ready.” We must listen actively and not come up with solutions quickly.

2. Get Gently Encourage Professional Help

Often the first step in solving depression and living a healthy and happy life is seeing a professional. You can't make someone seek help, but you can be a bit more encouraging and ask you if you can help find a therapist, book an appointment, and/or accompany them for support. Your job is helping them understand that it’s okay to ask for help; a professional can provide the tools they need to manage their mental health.

3. Assist with Daily Tasks

Depression takes a person’s energy; even the simplest of tasks can seem lofty. They can do simple things like cooking a meal, cleaning, running errands, or, in other words, offer practical help that will ease their burden and make a big difference. These small actions to let you know you’re there for them are something that goes a long way without being invasive or anything.

4. A supportive way to encourage healthy habits.

Part of the reason that physical health matters to our mental well-being is that depression can make you not want to do things that might help, like exercise or eat healthy. Instead of prescribing activities, invite your loved one to go for a light walk with you or get you to cook up a healthy meal together. These approaches to these suggestions are actually shared experiences, and so they should be more bonded and less about ‘fixing.’

5. Learn About Depression

It’s not easy for people to accept that they have depression, so it’s important to spread the word to help them better understand what it means. Go through your thoughts and read reliable sources and mental health guides to get a better understanding of what depression might do to you. That knowledge will help you be more informed with your support and avoid some common misconceptions.

6. Respect Their Boundaries

The parts of depression that make social interaction exhausting for you at times—your loved one may just need a little space. Let them respect your boundaries, and you can tell them it’s okay to take time for themselves. That doesn’t mean you can’t check in from time to time to be sure they still know you’re around when they need you, but you must help them go through without putting pressure on them.

7. Don’t Give Quick Solutions

Tempting though it may be to fix depression by giving advice like “just think positively” or “cheer up!” You’re doing a disservice to the person with depression by telling them what they need to do to feel better. Depression is not something that you get over in a month or a week. Instead of leaving, it’s about providing a listener ear for grief and explaining that feeling these things and having time to heal is normal.

8. Take Care of Yourself

It is exhausting to support someone who has depression, and it’s important to set boundaries to protect your mental health. Make sure you are looking after yourself and getting support when you need it, whether that’s talking to a close friend or seeking professional help. If you work to take care of yourself, you will be able to support your loved one.

9. Stay patient and consistent.

There is no timeline for the journey through depression. No matter how slow things are going, it’s key to stay patient and persistent. Keep checking in with them, especially if they don’t respond well. Our consistent support can help set the base they need to ask for help and change for the better eventually.

10. Remind Them of Their Worth

The value of a person is often distorted when they have depression; they might think they’re a burden, so there’s no point. Ask a reminder of your loved one's value. How about some simple reminders like “You matter to me” or “I’m so grateful that you have me in your life? ”These can help counteract the negative thoughts that are going on.

It’s hard to know how to support someone with depression, yet it’s your compassion and support that matter most. Keep in mind you don’t have to have all the answers—being present and offering the right words and practical help when it’s needed most is powerful enough. When necessary, encourage help from a professional and show you care. It's hard to beat, but with a bit of patience and a bit of understanding, your support can be a source of hope.



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